Friday, March 10, 2017

Is Michael life on a down words spiral I can go both ways on this question. In a way yes, I believe that his life is going on a down words spiral. My reason being he was in a some what good marriage of a few years. He was an antitrust lawyer making 120,000 a year. Living a alright life just working all the time. With his wife making a decent living herself being a nurse. His wife always complained that he never had time fore her because he was always working. Then his life takes a turn and he quits his job and starts making 30 thousand dollars a year being a street lawyer. He was doing something that he enjoyed and he could spend more time with her but his wife "the gold digger" doesn't like that and she wants to get a divorce with him. So yes he lost his wife and 120,000 dollar a year job, but he is also doing something that he enjoys. Plus the wife was just in it for the money obviously so he doesn't need her anyways. Those are my thoughts on what I think his life is like.

Michael's activities become questionable and even illegal.  Are these actions justified? Is is another question that I can also go both ways with. I can say no they are not justified because he is a lawyer that had preform a task that was vary illegal and he couldn't even use it in court because it was stolen. But at the same time I think that is was good because it would have helped him build a little bit more up on the case. But if he gets caught stealing something then he can lose his job. So at the same time its not even worth it.

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