Wednesday, March 22, 2017


In this great book called the Street lawyer. Micheal and Mister are pretty similar in a few ways. Mister the broke into the lawyer firm and he was threatening to kill everyone inside. He had what everyone thought was dynamite but it was cut red broom handles. He really wasn't going to kill everyone he just wanted them to donate a little bit of money here and there for the homeless. He just really wanted some help he was in the homeless shelter that he was kicked out of and that just made life for him kinda bad. On the other hand we have Michael. He was apart of the firm that kicked mister out of where he was living. Before the whole mister thing he was just a man that wanted to make some money. Which he was doing quite well, he but after he had talked to mister he wanted to make a change to help more people, not just himself. So he decided to be a street lawyer. He took a huge pay cut with with new job and he also got a divorce. 

With the street lawyer taking place in Washington D.C. money, race, and power all have a lot to do with someone living there. Washington D.C. is a very wealthy city. If you don't have money and you live in DC you better get a really good job or you will be living on the street. With living there the prices for food are outrageous. Living expenses  are crazy and it might be very hard to find a job if you don't have a good background in whatever you want to get a job doing. Washington DC is also a very powerful city. That is also why everything is so much money. Because there is so much money within the city.

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